Thursday, December 11

It has come to and end..

Well.. it has final come! The end of the semester. Finals are over classes are over. It is over!

I'm so excited to go home!

I've been having a lot of problems finding a job when I get home, so my wonderful father offered to pay me to work around the house. It is a nice offer and I think my only prospect, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be slavery. I have one more option, but I will probably not get that job either. So, slavery it is!

Although, I'm excited to go home I feel bad about leaving my Gramma here all by herself. She has mentioned to me many times that she will miss me and such. I want to go home, but I don't want to leave her. Ugh.. sometimes I hate caring.

Well anyway.. my room is packed and I'm ready to go!

1 comment:

Amy Murphy said...

Awwwwe! Tracy does have a heart. ;) Don't fret too much. Christmas is coming, and we'll all be up to cheer her up.