Saturday, May 16

Update.. take two..

Well I figure it is time for another update. I've really become very horrible at writing lol

Anyway, I've been home for more than two weeks and I'm just now starting to work. Monday is my first day FINALLY! I so need the money haha. My job is at Mead Westvaco in Alexandria. It's a factory that makes Mead products (folders, paper etc.). I'm going to be in the finishing department, which is like special orders and such. It doesn't sound really fun, but at least it's a job!

Monday also start summer classes for me. I'm taking two classes from May 18 to June 25 and then one more from June 31 to the end of July. I'm sort of stressing already about the first two classes. I just read the syllabuses and the courses have a lot of work involved. Since I'm working full time plus overtime, I think it's going to be a lot to do. But I'm just going to suck it up and go to work, sleep, read and repeat because I WILL graduate in the spring lol.

I went to Geneva College's graduation today. It sort of made me sad because that is where I started school, but I'm not graduating this year. I suppose that's what happens when you switch majors and colleges a bunch of times. Oh well, it's only a year late.

That brings me to my next update. I've decided to go to grad school. I really want to take the CPA exams when I'm finished with school, and I'm afraid if I try this with only the education from Mansfield, I won't be very prepared. So, I looked around for a college that has a master's in accounting. I found West Virgina's site, and it looks like that is the place. Their program is focused on the CPA exams, and it only takes a year and a summer. That means in the fall of 2010 I'll be moving to West Virgina. I've already been looking for apartments (I'm a little bit like my mom in the respect haha). I've found some really nice places. Being a college town, Morgantown has a lot of apartment complexes.

Well that's about it for now. If you all could pray for my family that would be awesome. There's some "junk" that's going on (more on that subject later).

Have a good night/day!

1 comment:

Amy Murphy said...


Praying for your (Mom's) junk.