Friday, November 28

Guess what this post is about....


I have yet another good example of bad teaching skills. For all you "soon to be teachers" this is a good example of what not to do.

So, about a week ago I took a second Management test. This time, because of the experience I had for the last test, I just read the book instead of looking over my notes. My notes are pretty much useless anymore. Here is a good example of my notes during any class.
Notice I bought new pens, sort of like crayons, to entertain myself. I'm getting off track.

Anyway, back to the test. So, I read and studied all three chapters that were included on this test. I was really confident going in. My "darling" teacher hands out the test and I became even more confident after I knew the first five questions. Well I finished the 80 question test in about 45 minutes and didn't waste anytime hanging around the classroom.

So, the next class my teacher had the tests corrected and ready. I say corrected but as I was notified SEVERAL times "he doesn't grade them the computer does." Gotta love scantron. Anyway, I get my test back and on the top was 60/80 75%. I was freaking out! How on earth could I have gotten such a low grade? I was so confident!! My teacher handed out the answer key and I was very interested to know what I did on this test. I went through it and I got the first 20 question correct, which were true/false. I was like I must have bombed the multiple choice. I continued to go through the test and I got to the last 20 questions and I only had 6 wrong. I was like whoa I must have trashed the last 20 questions.

I came to the last question and I only had 8 QUESTIONS WRONG! I was like hey now what's up with that? So, I raised my hand and of course my teacher had no idea what I talking about like normal! I took my paper up to the teacher to explain and he "tossed" my paper aside and said some bull crap like "I won't look at it now. After class." Now I was furious!

Well the end of class came and I politely asked if he could look over my test then (I'm dead serious I was honestly polite). So, I went to his office and I was like this is what happened and showed him my tests and the answers. And HE SAID "I find it interesting you were the only one who had this problem." WHAT AM I A CHEATER? I was so mad, but I kept it in so I could explain that I don't carry pencils or anything. And he just stared at me and then was like "well I'll look over it later." Again BULL CRAP! He would have just shoved it back in that folder and gave me a 75%. So, in desperation, I suggested that he had incorrectly recorded my grade at the top of the page. And of course I was once again reminded that he didn't correct the test, the computer did. You and I both know that has nothing to do with what I had just asked him. Then he's like "oh I have an idea." He whips out his folder and scans through the names and grades down to my name (I was looking over his shoulder at this point). And guess what it said next to my name? 72/80!!! Imagine that I only got 8 wrong!

So, I get some corny apology and some excuse about how the other students were disruptive. WHATEVER! Just give me my A and I'll be on my way.

But guess what?!?! ONLY TWO MORE CLASSES TO GO!!!

I'm so excited about that!

And that is the end of the most recent rant.

Wednesday, November 26

Somebody's getting, somebody's getting, somebody somebody somebody somebody's getting married!

Before I start another rant I just thought I would like to tell you all that my sister got married on Saturday, November 22, 2008! I was a pretty awesome wedding! They are on their honeymoon until Saturday and I am going in Bethany withdraw! lol
Here is a picture of the wedding party!

Thursday, November 13

Quote of the day

Here is a quote courtesy of my economics teacher

"We didn't just hand them a few bobbles and say, 'here you ignorant boobs go play with your toys.'" --Dr. Carpenter (speaking about the purchase of Manhattan Island for $47 worth of trinkets.)

There's nothing like another Management-based rant

So, I had my Management test today. I was very surprised that it was not horrible. Must be something sunk in during those three hours of reading the chapters. However, this is not the subject to this post.

While I was taking the test I was flying through the questions. I felt so confident after I actually knew the first five questions. I was filling in scan-tron bubbles like nobodies business. I finally got to question 58 out of 80. Of course my teacher couldn't hit the enter button one more time to make the full question on one page, so I had to turn the page to get the possible answers of question 58.

I turn the page and there is question 73. Wait, where was the rest of 58 and 59-72. So, of course like a fool I flip the packet over and look through it, like I would have missed 10+ questions. As I was flipping through I caught my neighbor doing the same thing I was doing. We looked at each other and she, being the better student (one of the Bobsey twins (that's a whole other story)), raised her hand and informed my oh-so-prepared teacher about the error.

He checked with EVERY single person in the class to see if it was a class wide mistake and of course it was. So, he left to make copies after mumbling something incoherently about being prepared and not freaking out. I'm not sure if the statement was for us or himself.

Anyway, he returns and hands out the missing page and then informs us that because of the error he is going to give us the answers to 5 questions that we, as a class, weren't sure of. The whole class was like "what!" But we didn't argue. The first person raised their hand and he gave us the answer to that question. Then another, then another, and another, another, another and yet another. I'm not being dramatic here. His five questions ended up being 7 questions!

So, a test that I wasn't sure of ended up not being that hard AND I got 7 free answers from my oh-so-prepared teacher.

The End.

Wednesday, November 12

Management or lack there of

So, I want you to imagine something with me for a second..

Imagine that my Management class at Mansfield University is a business, which is what the teacher likes to think. In my Management textbook I am reading about "Criteria for Effective Goals" in a business. There is a list of characteristics of "good" goals. These are (1) specific and measurable, (2) cover key result areas, (3) challenging but realistic, (4) defined time period, and (5) linked to rewards. So, seeing how my class is a business my teacher should be aiming at these criteria for our classroom curriculum and organization, correct?

So, then, with that in mind, let me describe a typical day in my MANAGEMENT class. The place we are "learning" these principles and criteria for goals of a well thought out business.

So the class starts at 11:30am. I begin by writing out the time in 15 minute increments on my paper so I can count down the time until I leave the class. My "darling" teacher stands in front of the class with his oh-so-thought-out powerpoint presentation AND READS THE SLIDES TO US! That's it! An hour and a half later, after tears, drawing an elaborate replication of a picasso painting on the back of the chair in front of me and perhaps writing down a sentence or two we all burst out the door and kiss the floor in the hall way. FRREEEEEEDDDDDOOOOOMMMM!!!

Let's think about this for a little bit. In accordance with these criteria this business is going to go down in a large ball of flames. And he wonders why no one comes to class or participates. He teaches management where he learns about how to keep the employees attention and how to keep their attention. SO WHY DOESN'T HE USE THE TECHNIQUES HE TEACHES??????

I'm so frustrated. I have a test tomorrow on things I don't even remember him every saying. Probably because after the second slide I tune out and start staring at the clock or working on my masterpiece on that chair. Well I can say confidently that if my teacher were my manager at an organization he would be quickly terminated from his position. Perhaps I should write a letter.......................

Tuesday, November 11

Trip Home

So, this weekend I decided to take a trip home. It was very spur of the moment, but I'm glad that I went.

On Friday morning before my classes I was talking to my mom and she was saying they had nothing planned for this weekend and one of my classes was canceled on Monday so I figured what the heck, lets go!

So I told my Grandma that I was going and of course she was depressed because I was leaving and I told her to come with me. Well Grandma doesn't do things spur of the moment, so she said no she couldn't.

I had to leave for class in two hours so I ran upstairs and packed my bags and I heard something downstairs. And then my Grandma yelled up to me and told me she had decided to go.

It was quite funny. She was fretting the whole time about never doing anything like this and everything. She was quite comical running around the house trying to pack.

But anyway, while I was home my mom got an outfit for Bethany's wedding. It is really cute! But of course I'm partial because I picked it out lol But her outfit is a pair of really baggy dress pants. Come to find out they are called palazzo pants (who'd thought) and a black shirt with gold treading and sequins work. Describing it in words doesn't really do it justice, but it was really nice.

Well there are only 10 days until Bethany's wedding. It's hard to imagine that she's getting married! I'm very excited for her! They are too cute together and their kids are going to be so cute! Maybe that's jumping into the future too much lol.

Well once again studying is calling my name again! Blah...

Tuesday, November 4

Almost the End

Well I took my "oh so important" economics test today and guess what! Studying paid off! I think I actually did really good. That is a relief. But I still have another test to take in Marketing. I really don't like Marketing. I feel that I could learn the stuff myself without every stepping foot into that class. But of course the teacher knows that and makes attendance mandatory.

Anyway, I started crocheting again. I use to crochet back in the day (haha that rhymed). I decided that I'm going to make an afghan, well at least attempt to make an afghan. It is kind of funny because I now live with my Grandma and I'm crocheting. My sister always told me I was a 70 year old woman at heart. What can I say I enjoy a good Matlock or Murder She Wrote and I like to crochet.

Perhaps I need younger friends!

Well it is now time for Shakespeare! I am sure you can see my excitement!