Tuesday, November 11

Trip Home

So, this weekend I decided to take a trip home. It was very spur of the moment, but I'm glad that I went.

On Friday morning before my classes I was talking to my mom and she was saying they had nothing planned for this weekend and one of my classes was canceled on Monday so I figured what the heck, lets go!

So I told my Grandma that I was going and of course she was depressed because I was leaving and I told her to come with me. Well Grandma doesn't do things spur of the moment, so she said no she couldn't.

I had to leave for class in two hours so I ran upstairs and packed my bags and I heard something downstairs. And then my Grandma yelled up to me and told me she had decided to go.

It was quite funny. She was fretting the whole time about never doing anything like this and everything. She was quite comical running around the house trying to pack.

But anyway, while I was home my mom got an outfit for Bethany's wedding. It is really cute! But of course I'm partial because I picked it out lol But her outfit is a pair of really baggy dress pants. Come to find out they are called palazzo pants (who'd thought) and a black shirt with gold treading and sequins work. Describing it in words doesn't really do it justice, but it was really nice.

Well there are only 10 days until Bethany's wedding. It's hard to imagine that she's getting married! I'm very excited for her! They are too cute together and their kids are going to be so cute! Maybe that's jumping into the future too much lol.

Well once again studying is calling my name again! Blah...

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