Thursday, November 13

There's nothing like another Management-based rant

So, I had my Management test today. I was very surprised that it was not horrible. Must be something sunk in during those three hours of reading the chapters. However, this is not the subject to this post.

While I was taking the test I was flying through the questions. I felt so confident after I actually knew the first five questions. I was filling in scan-tron bubbles like nobodies business. I finally got to question 58 out of 80. Of course my teacher couldn't hit the enter button one more time to make the full question on one page, so I had to turn the page to get the possible answers of question 58.

I turn the page and there is question 73. Wait, where was the rest of 58 and 59-72. So, of course like a fool I flip the packet over and look through it, like I would have missed 10+ questions. As I was flipping through I caught my neighbor doing the same thing I was doing. We looked at each other and she, being the better student (one of the Bobsey twins (that's a whole other story)), raised her hand and informed my oh-so-prepared teacher about the error.

He checked with EVERY single person in the class to see if it was a class wide mistake and of course it was. So, he left to make copies after mumbling something incoherently about being prepared and not freaking out. I'm not sure if the statement was for us or himself.

Anyway, he returns and hands out the missing page and then informs us that because of the error he is going to give us the answers to 5 questions that we, as a class, weren't sure of. The whole class was like "what!" But we didn't argue. The first person raised their hand and he gave us the answer to that question. Then another, then another, and another, another, another and yet another. I'm not being dramatic here. His five questions ended up being 7 questions!

So, a test that I wasn't sure of ended up not being that hard AND I got 7 free answers from my oh-so-prepared teacher.

The End.

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