Tuesday, November 4

Almost the End

Well I took my "oh so important" economics test today and guess what! Studying paid off! I think I actually did really good. That is a relief. But I still have another test to take in Marketing. I really don't like Marketing. I feel that I could learn the stuff myself without every stepping foot into that class. But of course the teacher knows that and makes attendance mandatory.

Anyway, I started crocheting again. I use to crochet back in the day (haha that rhymed). I decided that I'm going to make an afghan, well at least attempt to make an afghan. It is kind of funny because I now live with my Grandma and I'm crocheting. My sister always told me I was a 70 year old woman at heart. What can I say I enjoy a good Matlock or Murder She Wrote and I like to crochet.

Perhaps I need younger friends!

Well it is now time for Shakespeare! I am sure you can see my excitement!

1 comment:

Sarah Harrison said...

P.S. It is Sarah's birthday. :)